Belties Breed Better Beef
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08/05/14 2014 Bathurst Royal – All Saints College

(Heifer being washed):
Handler Caitlyn and very hard-working Cameron as off-sider from All Saints College, Bathurst washing Jandrew Iris at the 2014 Bathurst Royal. All Saints College, Bathurst were provided three Beltie heifers to feed and prepare for Bathurst Royal this year. 37 students were involved (last year they prepped five Belties with 60 students involved)!

(Two Belties, two girls):
Handlers Jacqui (on left with Jandrew Hazel) and Izzy (on right with Jandrew Janice) from All Saints College, Bathurst waiting to enter the show ring at 2014 Bathurst Royal. Both girls did a great job! So far this year, seven NSW schools have prepared, or are preparing Belted Galloway for various stud and carcass competitions around the state! And we may have a couple more schools involved yet! Its all good news for an ever-increasing Belted Galloway presence.


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